CARRACE club members collect and race ready-to-run 1:32 and 1:24 scale model slot cars made by brands such as Scalextric, Carrera and The Club was formed in 1999 and currently has a membership of about 20 people with ages ranging from 10 to 70. Race meetings are held at member’s homes or at Way2Fast, Canberra's only commercial slot car raceway.
Race meetings are held mostly on Friday nights, although there are some Saturday afternoon and regular midweek events too. Racing usually begins at 7:00pm and finishes between 9:30 and 10.00pm, with light refreshments provided. There is no obligation or pressure to attend meetings, some members attend every meeting; others, only a few. Most seasoned members have spare cars and controllers they will happily lend to guests and new members. The Club also holds tutorials and workshops on how to set-up and maintain slot cars. Over summer, there is a more informal race series used for testing cars and new classes.
The majority of club tracks are routed wood tracks but there are also several Scalextric Sport tracks, the tracks range in size from a few metres to over 30 metres in length and from 2 to 8 Lanes. All our tracks have computer controlled timing systems with accuracy to 1/1000 sec.
There is an annual membership fee of $30 and race night fees for members are $5.00 per meeting. The Club also has 10 Associate (life) Members who continue to support its activities and also allow us the use of their home tracks. There are regular raffles and a “Christmas car” is awarded to any member who attends at least 14 of the regular meetings in a calendar year or a lesser number of meetings if determined by the Club Committee. From 2019, the racing format was updated to cut down the costs associated with taking up the hobby.
The Club has a small number of Associate Members. Associate membership does not attract an annual joining fee. Associate Members are not obliged to pay race fees but may elect to do so. Associate members do not accumulate points in the Club Championship unless they opt to become financial members. Associate members will generally be persons known to the Club (such as former long term members and regular racers) who have continued to assist the club after ceasing to be a member. Associate members may be inducted into the Club at the AGM. They may be added to the Club’s mailing list and advised of race meetings, results and invited to Club functions. Associate members may attend any race night and the AGM but should generally advise the ‘host’ or the race organiser of their intention to do so. This assists with catering.
Current Associate Members are: